Picture of Golden Eagle

A little introduction to the "birds of prey"

The birds of prey introduction.

The birds of prey for short are called raptors.The word raptor also means falconiformes. The Birds of prey are typically the type
of animal that would like to kill the prey for themselves. Some raptors won't even touch their food unless it is still alive, just so it
can kill it. The Birds of prey consists of more than 500 species. The Latin word "raptor" means "to seize and carry off." Which
makes sense for a raptor, because they also mean to kill their prey and carry it off to it's nest.

Birds of Prey include:

  • Eagles
  • Osprey
  • Kites
  • True Hawks
  • Owls
  • Vultures
  • Buzzards
  • Harriers
  • Falcons
  • Caracaras
  • The Golden Eagle

    What do eagles need in their habitat to survive and take care of their family?

    Golden eagles like to eat fish so they like to be near bodies of water. Which is a food that is easy to eat and regurgitate to their young.
    But usually they build there nest near ciffs. The only problem with having a nest up so high, is the fact that the baby eaglets could fall.
    That fall is usually 75 feet or higher in the air. Which could be a seriuos injury for the eaglet. Though there are some cons for having a
    nest up so high, having a nest up so high could also be a good thing. This is a good way for the parents to protect their young from
    snakes and other animals that would love to have baby eaglet for lunch. Cliffs also make a good look out tower to watch for food and
    ground predators. All of things make the habitat fit for the eagle family.